June 4 – leaving Charlotte

It’s time to leave the comforts and luxurious quantity of space in our Air BnB and head back out on the road. We had some things delivered to the house while we were here, so one of my challenges was getting a few new items into the “Garage”. It all fit, so we’re locking the door and heading to the airport to drop off Jen’s mom who we had a great time with here in Charlotte.

After the airport drop off we made a stop at Ikea for some new silverware. At our last stop in a hotel, we brought in some items to eat our dinner with and they never made it back out into the van. When we only carry (4) of each item, it’s sorely missed when they aren’t there. Have you ever tried to eat salad with a spoon? 😉

We also ate lunch while we were at Ikea, salmon with a side of chocolate, yes please. A quick stop at Goodwill to drop off our old utensils and some clothing that the kids have grown out of and then we drove on down to South Carolina where we found a boat launch with a park attached that we settled into for the evening. It’s Tuesday, so TACOS for dinner!! 🙂