May 8-14 – Minnesota

Minnesota was a blur of emotion and family time. Celebrating the life of my grandma Madge who was a wonderful grandma and who’s presence here on Earth I will miss. We spent the night at my aunt and uncle’s in the cities before heading up to the falls which is on the border of Canada.

We even saw some snow as we drove up to the falls which got the kids excited, though we didn’t have enough time to play in it.

The service was great and having everyone together was really nice.

We got to spend some time with auntie KaCe too whom the kids really have missed since we left AZ.

We also got to spend some quality time with Grammy and Papa. The house we stayed at had a golf cart, so the kids got to take turns behind the wheel.

We tried to stop at Voyageurs National Park but picked the day the visitor center was closed. Oh well, we’ll be back up North before too long and can get another badge then.

There’s never enough quality time with Grammy, and the kids and Grammy soaked it up.

On our way out of town, we did stop for a photo shoot with Smokey the bear.

One Reply to “May 8-14 – Minnesota”

  1. It was so wonderful having that time with you guys! Thank you sou much for making the detour! It meant so much to have you all there!

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