April 30 – Snakes and Swimming

Disclaimer: short post as I’m racing to catchup

Cottonmouth Snake on the path to the bathroom. Yes, he/she showed me their cottony mouth, scary.

On the way to the bathroom from our campsite, you walk past this little micro ecosystem which I had previously thought, that looks like a snakes domain. Sure enough, one time I walk by and a snake lifts it’s head and shows me its nice white cottony mouth, well that’s a fitting name and a snake I’m not getting close to.

Observing a frog with the kids right near where the snake was before.

Another stroll on that same path had the kids and I looking at this cute little frog not 10 feet from where I saw the snake, I hope for this guys sake he’s only passing through.

Cute little frog, don’t get eaten by the snake, at least in front of my kids

After checking out of our site, which the park ranger informed us we were doing an hour late (oops) we headed over to the pool area to knock out some laundry and energy. The sun was out and we had a great time playing in the water and relaxing on the lounge chairs.

Henry getting some sun
The kiddos enjoying the chilly water that all the oldies started from as they entered.