April 29 – Cracker Barrel

Breakfast made to order by someone else, Jen’s all about it!

I probably haven’t expressed the duties and routines of our daly lives on the road enough and maybe once I get caught up I’ll do a better job of that, but let me just quickly say that of all the things that have changed and are crazy in our new found adventure, the one thing that has stayed pretty much the same is our food consumption. Jen plans, shops, and fixes almost every meal. And they’re good too! So when she mentioned going to Cracker Barrel for breakfast, we were all on board, for her sake and ours!

Amelia “Almost” beat me at checkers. We bought a smaller version so she can practice

We had a great breakfast, though the portions were smaller than I remember, or maybe my hands have just gotten bigger. They still have chairs and checkers out front, so I took a turn with each kid and to my surprise, Amelia (at the point of the photo above) had my back against the ropes and I thought she was going to beat me.

Campsite for the night, don’t think we’re going to get much solar through the panels.