April 20 – Hot Springs to quiet lake

We had done all the touristy things yesterday, but as the kids were getting sworn in by the park ranger, she asked them if they were coming back for Jr. Ranger day, where they could get a special badge for completing a scavenger hunt. Well, we’re suckers for Jr. Ranger swag and have the rest of the year ahead of us, so we stayed another night (which meant we spent some more time with our friends at camp) and headed back to Fordyce to pick up our marching orders.

Back in the lot, it fills up quickly

The hunt was easy for the kids, so after knocking it out and receiving their reward, we got into the van for a cruise to a lake near an archery range that I had found on the iOverlander app. There was one other older couple there from Canada, we had a chat with them and settled in for the night. It was quiet and peaceful, with the crickets and frogs doing their thing, we were happy to be where we were and looking forward to a relaxing Easter day.

34.83302, -91.55042