April 19 – Hot Springs National Park

The rain finally relented and we headed back into town to visit a unique National Park. This one is surrounded by hustle and bustle and you’re much more likely to get run over by a car than you are to see any wild life. We had come to Hot Springs National Park, and were happy to be there.

Obligatory family photo at the National Park sign

The visitor center is the Fordyce Spring Bath House, centrally located amongst the other bath houses, but this one open to visitors and with lots of great information and sights to see.

Glass makes the photo blah, but this is the exposed spring running into the basement of the bath house.
Which valve is the cold water?
This is the gym with all the modern exercise equipment
Medicine balls and a stretching stick
No expense spared for the glass work in the ceiling of the mens wash room
This is under the glass work above.
Yeah Henry, you fit in that shower.
Locker rooms
Therapeutic equipment
After touring the visitor center, we went for a walk.
And with a appetite worked up, we stopped into a local joint for some refueling.