April 18 – Rain Delay, Let’s Play

When the whether rolls in and you live in a van, cabin fever can start to set in. But when you happen to be at Cedar Glades Park, you’ve got nothing to worry about. The morning was chilly, so being impatient, I told Jen to go ahead and start the toast while I was already heating the water for coffee. Hmmm…. What’s that smell, on no, there’s smoke….

The moral of the story, don’t be impatient 🙂 I have spares with us, so we were still able to have our toast and coffee even though we blew the fuse for the inverter. Lesson learned, now lets go play! There was this cool stage with bleacher seating that the kids were playing by.

Then we went onto the covered stage and Amelia and Henry took turns acting out different animals that the Jen and I had to guess (Jen won, of course). Molly liked this place too, since the weather was so bad, we let her off the leash to run around. We had spoke with another family that was in the area and they were cool with her being off leash.

We went for a walk and also found this awesome three story tree house. Super cool and lots of fun for pretending.

There was a huge covered area with picnic tables right next to the parking lot and bathroom. So no sense eating in the van, we spread out the tablecloth and played legos while we waited for dinner to cook in the Instapot which was plugged into an outlet near the tables. It was chili and cornbread which was perfect for the weather and warmed us all up for bed, which would have been better had we not had some thunder and lightning which inevitably makes Molly go a little crazy and walk all over Jen and I all night.

One Reply to “April 18 – Rain Delay, Let’s Play”

  1. I just LOVE reading these adventures and looking at the pictures! Love you all.

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