April 10 – running on the waves

We stayed parked at the boat launch overnight and were blessed with another cloudless blue sky day. It was definitely warmer than yesterday so today the kids and I all got in the water.

There was people coming and going at the docks all day and the kids were meeting and talking with most of them. One couple came and went out on their wave runners offering to take the kids for a little spin in the water. Neither accepted and so they went out for their ride. When they returned to the dock, they let the kids take a photo and once again asked if they wanted to take a ride, with daddy this time 🙂

I was so proud of them as first Amelia and then Henry stepped out of their comfort zone and went for a quick spin on the water with me. They both got to steer and press the throttle. It was short and sweet, but they tried something new and we were blessed. Even more so when the wife asked if I wanted the husband to take me around for a tour. I didn’t hesitate and so he led me around the water for nearly a half hour, it was a blast! Such a blessing to meet such kind and generous people. They wouldn’t accept gas money and promised to pray for us on our adventure.

Because I was flying out the next day, we thought it would be best to head back into New Orleans so we’d be closer to the airport. We setup at the nearest walmart and tucked in for the night….. Until we had a knock…. the tow truck driver said we had to move out, this particular Walmart doesn’t allow overnight sleeping.

We drove two blocks to a neighborhood behind the Walmart, put the curtains back up and had a quiet rest of the night. Four months on the road and this was our first kick out, not bad, but when you’re traveling with youngsters, not something you want to become common.

One Reply to “April 10 – running on the waves”

  1. How fun! And a blessing Jen “let” you go for the ride. People really are wonderful!

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