May 3 – Changing Direction

We woke up and wanted to spend another night at the same spot with our friends, but upon checking with the park rangers, were sad to find out that they didn’t have any sites available for us. So we prepared ourselves to travel further along our path to see my cousin near Tampa and a colleague near Palm Harbor Florida. I was walking to the restroom when my phone rung (it doesn’t do this often, but being my Mom, I did answer). She was calling to inform me that my Grandma, her mom, had just passed away and gone to be with Jesus in heaven. It wasn’t unexpected, but losing a loved one is never without pain no matter how long you’ve been blessed by them on this world. So that sealed it, we’re heading North. My grandma lived and both my parents were born and raised in International Falls, MN. It’s also known as the “icebox” of North America, which sounded quite enticing as we packed up in the humid SouthEast.

Both our kids got to spend some time with Great Grandma Madge. I love her and will miss her, especially walking into her back door and knowing that she’d be there willing to talk and drink coffee together.
Continue reading “May 3 – Changing Direction”

April 30 – Snakes and Swimming

Disclaimer: short post as I’m racing to catchup

Cottonmouth Snake on the path to the bathroom. Yes, he/she showed me their cottony mouth, scary.

On the way to the bathroom from our campsite, you walk past this little micro ecosystem which I had previously thought, that looks like a snakes domain. Sure enough, one time I walk by and a snake lifts it’s head and shows me its nice white cottony mouth, well that’s a fitting name and a snake I’m not getting close to.

Continue reading “April 30 – Snakes and Swimming”

April 29 – Cracker Barrel

Breakfast made to order by someone else, Jen’s all about it!

I probably haven’t expressed the duties and routines of our daly lives on the road enough and maybe once I get caught up I’ll do a better job of that, but let me just quickly say that of all the things that have changed and are crazy in our new found adventure, the one thing that has stayed pretty much the same is our food consumption. Jen plans, shops, and fixes almost every meal. And they’re good too! So when she mentioned going to Cracker Barrel for breakfast, we were all on board, for her sake and ours!

Continue reading “April 29 – Cracker Barrel”

April 27 – Selma to Montgomery

Our goal was to drive into Montgomery and learn more about civil rights. There was a couple ways we could have driven, one faster than the other, but The Edmund Pettus Bridge is an image that will forever be in my head and having the opportunity to bring our kids to it and talk to them about the right to vote was a big opportunity that we couldn’t pass up. So we pulled into Selma and as the bridge drew nearer, though we intended to just drive over it, the van practically pulled itself into a parking spot and we knew we had to walk across it.

Continue reading “April 27 – Selma to Montgomery”