April 3 – Checking into New Orleans

We couldn’t check into our rental house until 2pm, so even with a short drive ahead of us, we wanted to do something on our way into town. We decided to check out a plantation tour and after doing some quick research and discussion, we settled on the Laura Plantation.

The Laura “House”

The tour was excellent, led by a young gentleman who clearly knew his history on not only the plantation, and the area, but also Creole and the genesis of the language, culture, and people. We toured the house, from the basement, to the bedrooms, the grounds including the kitchen garden, out back where the houses for the slaves depicted the close quarters and varying materials and styles built during the period.

Henry once again ends a tour walking side by side and at times holding this guys hand as we walk back to the front house.

We made a stop at the grocery store to stock up on supplies, and also get some things we can only make when we have an oven (cookies anyone?). Then it was off to the house to check out where we’d call home for the next few days. We were very pleased with the place and there was even a little yard for Molly to run around in while we were there.

Our home while we were in New Orleans.
Our path of travel for April 3rd, 2019.