March 29 – The Alamo

San Antonio Walmart parking lot – The nicest parking lot we’ve stayed at. Picnic tables and scooter paths aplenty.

We left our spot at Walmart and set off for the heart of San Antonio where the traffic gets bad, the parking gets expensive ($30/day), and there’s the famous landmark (The Alamo) to explore.

Parked in a lot and walking to The Alamo.

The walk from our parking spot was short and the weather was really nice. As we drew near the entrance, more and more pedestrians collected reading the plaques and looking upon the statues, memorializing the past.

Waiting in line to enter The Alamo

There was a line to get in, but there were signs to read and things to look at while we waited so it didn’t feel very long. Once inside the church, there’s plenty to look at but also lots of people and the echoing noise made it hard to hear the tour guide that was describing the events that occurred, so we headed out into the gardens to walk the grounds and explore the other exhibits.

Gun demonstration at The Alamo

We watched at demonstration on the rifles of the times, which was informative and LOUD. We sat through a video from the History Channel that went through the notorious battles of The Alamo and the aftermath that resulted from the battles, treaties, and lives lost. There was a gentleman (2nd from the left in the photo above) that represented a surgeon of the period along with the tools that would have been used by the trade. He had jokes and great information that made the kids raise their eyebrows and gave Jen and I quite a few chuckles. He was kind and attentive to the kid’s questions and accepted Henry’s hug as we departed.

The Alamo / San Antonio KOA

On the way to The Alamo, we looked at our options for the night and settled on the KOA that was nearby. They had a few sites left and we claimed one and gave a deposit over the phone to hold it. As we arrived we were instantly excited to see the pool and playground. We checked it, were escorted to our site, and promptly drove back up towards the office where the kids and I got in the pool and Jen started the laundry and showered. After the kids and I were done at the pool, we too showered and once the laundry was completed we drove back to our designated site.

The spots around us filled up with families that were camping together and our kids jumped right in with theirs and played until dark with the exception of stopping long enough to eat dinner. It was a great adventurous day filled with learning, playing, and a few moments of relaxing.

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