March 27 – Amistad Reservoir

The drive out of Big Bend is as long as the drive in. It didn’t help that I missed the turn and added 15 minutes 😉

The driver’s view on the way out of the park.

Eventually the park released us back into the rolling weaving drive until we came to a big long bridge over a big body of water that had an unassuming campground on the other side which we wanted to checkout and see if we’d call it home for the night.

Amistad National Recreation Area sign

It was right up our alley, quaint and empty! So we backed into a spot overlooking the Amistad Reservoir and settled in.

We did a little nature walk around the area and found a dock, so we had to go explore it. And when I’m on a dock, naturally I want to go swimming.

So swim I did, or rather jump in a couple times off the dock and swim back. It was quite windy, but the water felt nice.

After wrapping up our nature walk we ate dinner, cleaned up and settled in with a dramatic evening sky surrounding us.