March 26 – Another day in Big Bend NP

We woke up and decided we were going to move to one of the other campgrounds. We packed up, but left the beds in their setup position with the thought that our new site would also have a picnic table we could eat at instead of tearing down our beds and putting them back up again. Here’s a photo showing off our growing sticker collection.

We ended up in spot 15 on loop 3 which was a good site for us, and again, there were only a few available so we were happy to get it.

After claiming our spot, we headed up the road to the visitor center to turn in the Jr. Ranger packets, get badges, and pay for our site. For such a big park, these are the smallest visitor centers we’ve been to so far. They were shut down for the lunch hour so we did likewise and went back into the van for some lunch while we waited. Several others walked by the back of the van where Henry notified them that it was closed, long pause, until 1, long pause, for lunch.

Eventually the clock struck 1 and we set upon our mission with success.

After that we went back to our site for some relaxation, schoolwork, and then a little hike.

We had to return Molly to the van as no dogs were allowed on this hike. We had a great tour guide in Amelia who pointed out pretty flowers as we walked.

And then the highlight of the hike, for me at least, taking a dip in the Rio Grande River. It was great not only because it was super refreshing, but also because we got to talk with the kids about how their great grandfather, swam across that same river beside his family in a boat when they came to The United States. We have the written story in the trailer back in Phoenix and will share it with them when we get back there.

On the way back we saw fish, a horseman with a co-rider cross the river heading south, and also this little guy.

We got back to our site, played some soccer, had some dinner and went to bed in Big Bend National Park, under the stars of the big sky in the big state of Texas.