March 21 – Raptor Lake to Chosa Campground

Today was a travel day. We woke up beside Raptor Lake for the last time.

Molly is ready to roll.

The kids got to do some playing after breakfast as we prepared all our gear for the road.

The kids wanted to have one more adventure beside the lake and the creek which Cory and I built a bridge across.

We did a final sweep of the area and bounced down the road towards Alamogordo NM. We had to make a stop in town to shower at the Rec Center, stock up on groceries, top off the fuel tank, water tanks, and dump some trash. Then we set off East with our friends right behind us. Our target was Carlsbad Caverns where we were going to do some exploring the next day. It was three and a half hour drive to our destination for the night Chosa Campground. It was pretty much a large dirt parking lot with a steel pipe fence all the way around. Nothing fancy, but the kids had room to run and play, we had cell phone service, and we were within 20 minutes of the National Park we were excited to explore the next morning.

Chosa Campground, more like parking lot, but it worked for us for the night.

While we were making the drive we found a town that is now “on the list” Cloudcroft and several that are not, including Hope…. 🙂