March 20 – White Sands National Monument with friends

A good morning beside Raptor Lake.

Another day waking up on the shore of Raptor Lake alongside friends. Today we’re going back into the White Sands NM, this time together. Jen finished up the Jr. Ranger packets with the kids this morning and all four kids ran around playing as we struck camp. With the kids in their car seats and a final sweep of the surrounding area for toys, we got back on the highway for the short drive back to the park.

The kids getting sworn in at the White Sands National Monument as Jr. Rangers.

We stopped at the visitor center to have the kids sworn in, receive their badges, and filled up one of our 6 gallon fresh water tanks that was empty. We ended up back near Alkali Flat trailhead but at a different lobe of the dunes. We had a quick lunch and then got down to playing. Up and down the hill, over and over again. Races, fort building, and yummy brownies. The afternoon was full of fun and Cory even pulled out his trainer kite which I flew for awhile which brought me back to old days of kiteboarding and flying the trainer at Jones Beach in Oregon. Our goal was to get back to the lake before sunset because it’s prettier at the water’s edge than inside the White Sands NM. We didn’t make sunset, but we did arrive before full dark and right before the first glimpse of the rising full moon. It was our last day at the White Sands and it was a great one.

Enjoying the waning light of the day.