Feb 9 – Lake Powell to Lees Ferry

We woke up on the beach of Lake Powell at Lone Rock Campground to overcast skies and cool temperatures.

We set off for Glen Canyon Dam which is responsible for creating Lake Powell. Jen’s mom recommended that we try to tour the dam which we ended up doing. It was great advice, we all thoroughly enjoyed the tour. Henry shadowed the guide (Paul) as we went from the visitor center, down to the top of the dam, and on down to the generator house at the base of the dam.

He asked questions nearly every time Paul spoke and even practiced his backwards walking (like Paul) in case he wants to be a guide someday.

Our plan was to do horseshoe bend which is only a mile hike in and out, but the parking lot is under construction, so you have to take a shuttle and we were running out of patience and enthusiasm. Better to stop while we’re ahead. Instead, we grabbed groceries and fuel in Page and then proceeded on to Lees Ferry which is the only place within Glen Canyon where you can drive up to the Colorado River.

We found our site at the Lees Ferry Campground and settled down for the night.