1/7/2019 – Longview to Tillamook

We left grammy and papa’s later than we wanted, however we left the day we intended which was a win in our book. We preheated the van with the diesel heater (have I mentioned how much we love it?),

Grandfather clock photos

took some photos with Grammy next to the grandfather clock that she made in high school (this is a common background which shows how quickly the kids grow) then got loaded up and drove away waving goodbye to grammy as she ran beside the van (a simple family tradition I enjoy). We were leaving Longview and jumped on the 5 to help us get to Tillamook quicker than the 101 would have.

Blue Heron French Cheese Company in Tillamook Oregon.

We pulled into the Blue Heron French Cheese Company an hour before they closed. That gave us enough time to sample their Brie Cheese (The Peppered was Amelia’s favorite, but she said she couldn’t eat more, I liked the smoked the most). Both kids used their own money to buy a ring pop and candy necklace, and Jen and I sampled a few wines before picking out a bottle of reisling to drink with our dinner of ham from the instant pot and a fresh baguette from the Blue Heron. Funny, both Jen and I unknowingly took photos of the handles from inside the bathrooms. We did our evening routines and went to sleep parked next to an old barn and a double decker bus.

The men’s room handle.